WebCorp Learn
WebCorp Learn is an online tool. It gives you access to a large collection (corpus) of newspaper articles spanning three decades. The tool has been created by linguists to encourage curiosity in language learners. WebCorp Learn promotes playful and context-based inductive learning and enables you to discover language through exploratory experimentation.
If this is your first visit you will need to create a user account and have the sign-up code with which you have been provided ready.
About the project
We are a team of German and English researchers who have been working together for a number of years on different research projects.
The English part of the team is based at Birmingham City University (RDUES, Research and Development Unit for English Studies) and is responsible for the development of WebCorp Learn, as well as the production of the instructional material and exercises.
The German part of the team is the consultation agency Teaching Solutions PartG in cooperation with the Institute for International and Digital Communication (InDi) at Trier University of Applied Sciences. They are responsible for the test phase in Germany, for the on-site teacher training via live video conferencing, and they have developed additional training materials especially for the German upper school curricula.